Cambodia DRR Position Paper 1A Disaster Management Regulations

BY ON 12-04-2017 IN Cambodia, Countries Comments Off

Research showed that “countries that develop policy, legislative, and institutional frameworks for disaster risk reduction… have greater capacity to manage risk and to achieve widespread consensus for, engagement in, and compliance with disaster risk reduction measures across all sectors of society.” Cambodia is a member of the ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response (AADMER), therefore Cambodia is legally committed to develop legislation. In July 2015 Cambodia passed the Law on Disaster Risk Management, which was a big step forward. The next step is its implementation. The Joint Action Group on Disaster Risk Reduction (JAG) presented the following recommendations to help further clarify and guide the implementation process:

  • Develop and share plans and programs for improving public awareness and for identifying disaster risks as noted in the DM Law
  • Draft legal instruments to facilitate implementation of the DM Law
  • Draft legal instruments that allocate national finances to the entire disaster cycle from preparation to rehabilitation

Each one of these recommendations is divided into more detailed and specific measurements to improve clarity and to improve the implementation process.

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