Status Climate Change Strategy and Implementation, Lao PDR

BY ON 12-04-2017 IN Countries, Laos Comments Off

Laos doesn’t have major natural disasters, however due to the re-occurrence of these disasters Laos still faces losses every year which creates maladaptive coping mechanisms in communities. The disasters threaten the human and economic development. Therefore one of the main goals of the government is to reduce the impact of the disasters. To build resilience the Department of Disaster Management and Climate Change, MONRE cooperates with the international community. Together they raise public awareness, coordinate, make village disaster management plans and work on a legal framework. The Lao government has made DRM and climate change one of their priorities, it’s been integrated into national-, sub-national and sectoral development planning. However, there are still some challenges:

  • The capacity to strengthen, guide and mainstream policy
  • Cross-cutting multi-sector awareness programs on climate change for decision makers and other stakeholders
  • Effective coordination among relevant line ministries and stakeholders
  • Programmatic approach
  • More scientific data/information systems
  • Practical examples instead of only concepts
  • Technical and financial assistance
  • Climate finance readiness

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