Promote public-private partnerships in disaster risk management

BY ON 16-05-2017 IN Resources, Videos Comments Off

The project “Strengthening Public-Private Partnerships for Disaster Risk Management and Community Resilience in Vietnam – Phase V ” funded by United States Agency for International Development. Through the Asian Foundation, to assist Vietnamese small and medium enterprises in raising awareness on disaster management and response.

Disaster preparedness meeting of PetroVietnam Central Petroleum Energy Company

BY ON 16-05-2017 IN Resources, Videos Comments Off

On July 21, 2015, the Education and Development Center cooperated with the management board of Dung Quat EZ and the Central Petroleum Biofuel Joint Stock Company to draw up a detailed plan for the exercise of the plan. Disaster response for business. 200 guests came to watch the rehearsal. After the rehearsal, training activities for


Nari storm prevention of the central enterprises

BY ON 16-05-2017 IN Resources, Videos Comments Off

In the past 20 years, each year, the Central Region of Vietnam has suffered dozens of major storms. Since the beginning of this year, 12 storms have struck our country among them two big storms: storms number 10 and 11. They struck in the coastal province, causing severe damage to the affected communities, including small


Public-Private Partnerships in Disaster Response and Climate Change

BY ON 16-05-2017 IN Resources, Videos Comments Off

Currently, climate change in Vietnam are becoming increasingly clear, affecting many communities. According to statistics of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, on average Central Vietnam suffers dozens of hurricanes annually. In 2013, 15 storms hit our country. Due to climate change and according to the forecast from MONRE, natural disasters and climate change


Assist the business planning disaster prevention

BY ON 16-05-2017 IN Resources, Videos Comments Off

To support enterprises especially small and medium enterprises (SMEs) conduct many activities to raise awareness of planning, building policy to help businesses respond and mitigate with damage caused by disasters. There were nearly 500 businesses in Central region participated in these activities. Many businesses already have scientific methods in planning proactive prevention and disaster proactive


How to develop a disaster risk management plan in the business

BY ON 16-05-2017 IN Resources, Videos Comments Off

Over 70% of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) do not have preparedness plans for natural disasters. As reported, in the survey published by the Vietnam chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI), in some central areas. Thus many businesses suffer great losses when disaster strike. To support these businesses better prepared before natural disasters. VCCI in


Small and Medium Disaster Preparedness businesses

BY ON 16-05-2017 IN Resources, Videos Comments Off

According to statistic of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment on average Central Vietnam suffered average dozens of hurricanes annually. Storms have occurred more and more, unusually and unpredictably and have negative impacts on this area in the last years. Most notably during disasters people focus on relief and emergency support and recovery for